- Each MPM process box contains the following metadata:
- Name: Title of the process as described in the authoritative source.
- Description: As described within the authoritative source.
- Process Owner: The organization/person with authority over the execution and result of the process.
- Process Performers: The organizations/persons who participate in the execution of the process.
- Reference Document: The authoritative source for the process.
- Active Link: A hyperlink associated with the authoritative source.
- Other Metadata: Where applicable, some processes will include metadata for Cycle Time, IT System, Technology, or Timing
- Each process box will have one or more affiliated input and output box(es). These boxes contain the associated metadata as defined by the authoritative source.
- Description: Narrative as defined by the authoritative source.
- Diagrammed On: Diagram(s) within the MPM containing the selected input or output (as defined by the authoritative source(s)).
- Other Metadata: Where applicable, some inputs/outputs will include metadata that indicate if the input/output is Statutory or Regulatory and the corresponding document or a Template.