Hill Air Force Base

APM Team Provides Training at Hill AFB

The APM team traveled to Hill AFB to provide in-person APM Familiarization and APM Update Training. Despite very short notice, the attendance at the trainings was good. The APM Familiarization training had a full capacity attendance (15 people) for the conference room. The APM Update training had seven attendees. The attendees represented a good cross-section of people representing program managers, logisticians, and engineers at all ACAT levels, including GBSD (Ground Based Strategic Deterrent). The group was very positive about the APM and those that had seen the Visio version were impressed with the improvements to the APM in the last few years.

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APM Presentation at the Defense Planning and Analysis Society (DPAAS) meeting

As part of the upcoming DPAAS meeting on 28 Feb, SAF/AQXP will be presenting the Acquisition Process Model (APM). More information on DPAAS: The Defense Planning and Analysis Society (DPAAS) was established in 1995 as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation in the State of Ohio for education and scientific purposes.  I have been a member for several years and have presented a couple of times.  Members include academia, government and industry representatives.  We meet monthly in the vicinity of Wright-Patterson AFB, lately at the Holiday Inn off of Colonel Glenn Hwy.  Meetings are informal and informative with a speaker from academia, government or industry, and a topic of current interest to… Read More

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AF Emblem

APM Training during Focus Week at WPAFB

On Wednesday, 22 January 2019, Mr. Wilhelm and Mr. Farley will be conducting APM familiarization training as part of Focus Week as well as training to the workforce (with a focus on Section 804 Authorities.  There will also be an open-forum discussion to gather recommendations for improving the APM.  The team will also be available to provide you or a representative an APM Executive Overview. If you are unable to attend any of the three trainings offered on the 22nd and would like to set up training next week.  We can set up a time to present the APM on either the 23rd or 24th. Finally, my team will be… Read More

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APM Version 9.0

The APM has recently been updated to version 9.0. This new version contains many updated documents and a new look for the landing pages. Below you will find a partial list of documents that were updated with a detailed Version Description Document attached. New Documents 2018 JCIDs Manual AFI 65-508 Cost Analysis Guidance and Procedures AFI 65-601, Volume 1 Budget Guidance and Procedures AFMAN 65-605, Volume 1 Budget Guidance and Technical Procedures CJCSI 5123.01 H, Charter of the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and Implementation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) DoDD 5000.01 The Defense Acquisition System DoDD 5000.71 Rapid Fulfillment of Combatant Commander Urgent Operational Needs… Read More

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