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On Wednesday, 22 January 2019, Mr. Wilhelm and Mr. Farley will be conducting APM familiarization training as part of Focus Week as well as training to the workforce (with a focus on Section 804 Authorities.  There will also be an open-forum discussion to gather recommendations for improving the APM.  The team will also be available to provide you or a representative an APM Executive Overview.

If you are unable to attend any of the three trainings offered on the 22nd and would like to set up training next week.  We can set up a time to present the APM on either the 23rd or 24th.

Finally, my team will be available during the week to offer additional Acquisition Process Model (APM) sessions if any of your teams has a specific area of need. The training is relevant to anyone involved in the acquisition processes.

Other information:

In Sep 2016, SAF/AQ leadership directed the institutionalization of the Acquisition Process Model (APM) ( as described in the attached memo. The APM provides an authoritative source to support the continuum of acquisition processes derived from law, policy, and/or guidance and serves as a valuable tool to obtain up-to-date centralized acquisition guidance, and template database.  Attached is a one-slide APM tutorial for your reference. 

I would also like to offer the opportunity for my team to meet with you or a representative for an APM Executive Overview.  Please let my POCs know if you or your designees are available the week of 22 January.

Please encourage your folks take advantage of this great opportunity by signing up online ( with the following steps.  After login, select “Apply for CL Event” from the left hand menu. Next, from the Catalog Search area, choose one of the following Events: WPAFB PM Acquisition Process Model (APM) Overview Training / Recommendations.